Friday 16 March 2012

Joseph's Last Easter

Though we're still a few weeks away from Holy Week, I find myself reflecting on Joseph's last days. His condition was rapidly deteriorating, and it often left him so weak he stayed in bed until noon. Treves watched helplessly and tried to make him comfortable. There was little else he could do.

Yet Joseph maintained a core of spiritual strength, and attended the hospital's weekly Sunday services, thanks to the ingenuity of the chaplain, Reverend Tristram Valentine. To avoid alarming other patients or staff, Joseph was allowed to sit unseen in the vestry where he could take communion and hear the service. Perhaps in gratitude, he gave Reverend Valentine one of his visiting cards. They show the only known image of Joseph seated and wearing a three-piece suit specially tailored to his unusual form.

Joseph died on Friday, April 11, 1890., five days after attending not one but two Easter morning services. The Easter season with its story of Jesus's death and resurrection, must have been of great comfort to Joseph. We can only hope his end was peaceful..

1 comment:

  1. It always saddens me to think of Merrick's death. True, there was no way he could have lived to a ripe old age, with his condition growing worse and worse. I suppose it comes from my aching wish that I could have done something for him. Just little things, like making him laugh, sending him sweets or painting him a painting. Just anything that would have made him feel happy.
    But perhaps it was best that Joseph died when he did. The disorder was putting so much stress on his body. If he went on the way he was, he might have become wheelchair bound, or lost his sight and hearing

    But as we well know, there was a lot of strength in Merrick. He kept going as long as he could. I just hope that, wherever he is, he knows that he's still loved.
